How I Met Dawn

Created by Natalee one year ago

I remember the first time I met Dawn in the year 2000 on Garvey Hall at the University of Technology (UTECH). It was 3 persons to a room and Dawn was the last one to arrive. They told us the person that would come would be a senior so the single bed was spared for her. Anyways, on her arrival we found out she was a freshman just like us ... what a bomber! One of us who were there first could have gotten the single bed!  

When she entered the room she said, "hi I am Dawn White" with a flash of her hair and a quick spin to pull in her oversized suitcase and forbidden TV. A bit flashy in her ways because when she enters a room people always notice her. But that was Dawn...always beautiful and always fashionably late.
Anyway we hit it off immediately, and everyone gravitated to this fun loving, free spirited individual.  If you knew her you just had to love her!

Dawn loves her food, she would cook meals over the weekend and store it for the week. I mean like 3 different types of meat etc. I know she continued to do that especially before the boys came because she and Robert were hard working people. She always prepares for the future, always want to better herself or to do something different that could  bring in additional income.

The last time we had the privilege to meet up was in 2019, when I visited England for my uncle's funeral. We met up in London and did some shopping and visited the Emirates Stadium. In the nights we would chat on the phone for ages when "Bertie" (my name for Robert) was at work, and just chat about life, her boys, school life and just about anything.  She was a confidante and a great friend.

Its sad to know we have to move on without Dawn beside us cheering us on and offering counsel as needed. But one thing I am sure of, is that she would want us to carryon as if she is still here propelling us on. We must achieve what we said we would do because thats what she would want for us.

So sleep on my dear friend, you were loved and are definitely missed. I will see you on the other side.

With love, from Natalee James